3D STEP Models Now Available For our PC/104 Modules
Mechanical step models, bundled as ZIP files, are now available on our website for the following assemblies:
STX104-1MFIFO-DAQ - PC/104 16-Bit Analog I/O COTS Module
STX104-1MFIFO-DAQ-NODACS - PC/104 16-bit Analog input COTS Module
TRACER-DIO-5VIO - PC/104 5 Volt 48-Channel COTS Digtal I/O
TRACER-DIO-3.3VIO - PC/104 3.3 Volt 48-Channel COTS Digital I/O
980082 - PC/104 High Density 48-channel Digital I/O
The STEP files can be used in mechanical CAD to determine fit and using a reader such as eDrawings viewer one can measure various mechanical dimensions.